Saturday, September 22, 2007

Top Ten Directors - Mike

1. Woody Allen
2. Mike Nichols
3. Sidney Lumet
4. Martin Scorsese
5. Robert Altman
(tie.) Elia Kazan
6. Stephen Frears
7. Sydney Pollack
8. Ang Lee
9. Ridley Scott
10. Clint Eastwood, Francis Ford Coppola


scott herbertson said...

mike nichols good choice,sorry i mssed him

Michael Herbertson said...

Mike Nichols never throws up air balls like Woody. Woody will do four bad ones and then one brilliant one that makes up for all the crap. Mike Nichols always delivers something of high artistic value.

...Interesting that either of us mentioned Mr. Spielberg.

Michael Herbertson said...

I forgot Altman and Frears...How could I?

scott herbertson said...

schidlers list was very good but too disturbing for me ,jaws was great but feels hes just off top ten

Michael Herbertson said...

Just watched FLAGS / FATHERS - Clints WWII movie - Wow! very Impressive.