Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Top Ten Supporting Actor, Drama - Scott

1. Ben Kinsley - Sexy Beast
2. Jack Lemmon - Glengarry Glenross
3. Billy Bob Thorton - A Simple Plan
4. Tommy Lee Jones ( "I don't care" best line ) - The Fugitive
5. Benicio del Toro - Traffic
6. Steve Buscemi - Reservior Dogs
7. Samuel Jackson - Jungle Fever
8. Joe Pesci - Goodfellas
9. Christopher Walkin - The Deer Hunter ( even though he's sold out his butthole in this last comedy piece of shit! "Balls...of something...glory...Fury" - Sad.)
10. Juaquien Phoenix - Gladiator


scott herbertson said...
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scott herbertson said...

best performance by an actor ever..period...

scott herbertson said...
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